
timecorr.simulate_data(datagen='ramping', return_corrs=False, set_random_seed=False, S=1, T=100, K=10, B=5)[source]

Simulate timeseries data

datagen : str
Data generation function. Options:
  • ramping
  • block
  • constant
  • random
return_corrs : bool

If true, returns the correlations used to create the data

set_random_seed : bool or int

Default False (choose a random seed). If True, set random seed to 123. If int, set random seed to the specified value.

S : int

Number of subjects.

T : int

Total time

K : int

Number of features

B : int

Number of blocks

data : np.ndarray

A samples by number of electrodes array of simulated iEEG data

sub_locs : pd.DataFrame

A location by coordinate (x,y,z) matrix of simulated electrode locations