Source code for timecorr.timecorr

# coding: utf-8

import numpy as np
from .helpers import isfc, gaussian_weights, format_data, null_combine, reduce, smooth

[docs]def timecorr(data, weights_function=gaussian_weights, weights_params=None, include_timepoints='all', exclude_timepoints=None, combine=null_combine, cfun=isfc, rfun=None): """ Computes dynamics correlations in single-subject or multi-subject data. Parameters ---------- data: numpy array, pandas dataframe, or a list of numpy arrays/dataframes Each numpy array (or dataframe) should have size timepoints by features. If a list of arrays are passed, there should be one array per subject. weights_function: a function of the form func(T, params) where T is a non-negative integer specifying the number of timepoints to consider. The function should return a T by T array containing the timepoint-specific weights for each consecutive time point from 0 to T (not including T). Default: gaussian_weights; options: laplace_weights, gaussian_weights, t_weights, eye_weights, mexican_hat_weights weights_params: used to pass parameters to the weights_params function. This can be specified in any format (e.g. a scalar, list, object, dictionary, etc.). Default: None (use default parameters for the given weights function). Options: gaussian_params, laplace_params, t_params, eye_params, mexican_hat_params. include_timepoints: determines which timepoints are used to estimate the correlations at each timepoint. This is applied after the weights function to further constrain which timepoints may be considered in computing the correlations at each timepoint. Options: 'all' (default; include all timepoints), 'pre' (only include timepoints *before* the given timepoint), 'post' (only include timepoints *after* the given timepoint). exclude_timepoints: additional option, used to filter out any timepoints less than x units of the timepoint whose correlations are being estimated. For example, passing exclude_timepoints=3 will exclude any timepoints 3 or more samples from the given timepoint. When exclude timepoints is negative, it works inversely-- e.g. exclude_timepoints=-5 will exclude any timepoints within 5 or fewer samples of the given timepoint. Real-valued scalars are supported but are rounded to the nearest Integer. Default: None (no filtering). combine: a function applied to either a single matrix of vectorized correlation matrices, or a list of such matrices. The function should return either a numpy array or a list of numpy arrays. Default: helpers.null_combine (a function that returns its input). Other useful functions: helpers.corrmean_combine: take the element-wise average correlations across matrices helpers.tstat_combine: return element-wise t-statistics across matrices cfun: function to apply to the data array(s) This function should be of the form func(data, weights) The function should support data as a numpy array or list of numpy arrays. When a list of numpy arrays is passed, the function should apply the "across subjects" version of the analysis. When a single numpy array is passed, the function should apply the "within subjects" version of the analysis. weights is a numpy array with per-timepoint weights The function should return a single numpy array with 1 row and an arbitrary number of columns (the number of columns may be determined by the function). Default: A continuous verison of Inter-Subject Functional Connectivity (Simony et al. 2017). If only one data array is passed (rather than a list), the default cfun returns the moment-by-moment correlations for that array. (Reference: rfun: function to use for dimensionality reduction. All hypertools and scikit-learn functions are supported: PCA, IncrementalPCA, SparsePCA, MiniBatchSparsePCA, KernelPCA, FastICA, FactorAnalysis, TruncatedSVD, DictionaryLearning, MiniBatchDictionaryLearning, TSNE, Isomap, SpectralEmbedding, LocallyLinearEmbedding, MDS, and UMAP. Can be passed as a string, but for finer control of the model parameters, pass as a dictionary, e.g. reduction={‘model’ : ‘PCA’, ‘params’ : {‘whiten’ : True}}. See scikit-learn specific model docs for details on parameters supported for each model. Another option is to use graph theoretic measures computed for each node. The following measures are supported (via the brainconn toolbox): eigenvector_centrality, pagerank_centrality, and strength. (Each of these must be specified as a string; dictionaries not supported.) Default: None (no dimensionality reduction) Returns ---------- corrmats: moment-by-moment correlations """ def temporal_filter(T, k): k = np.round(k) filt = np.eye(T) for i in np.arange(1, np.min([np.abs(k) + 1, T])): filt = filt + np.eye(T, k=np.abs(i)) + np.eye(T, k=-np.abs(i)) if k < 0: return 1 - filt else: return filt if type(data) == list: T = data[0].shape[0] return_list = True else: T = data.shape[0] data = [data] return_list = False data = format_data(data) weights = weights_function(T, weights_params) include_timepoints = include_timepoints.lower() if include_timepoints == 'all': pass elif include_timepoints == 'pre': weights = np.tril(weights) elif include_timepoints == 'post': weights = np.triu(weights) else: raise Exception(f'Invalid option for include_timepoints: \'{include_timepoints}\'. Must be one of: \'all\', \'pre\', or \'post\'.') if not (exclude_timepoints is None): weights = np.multiply(temporal_filter(T, exclude_timepoints), weights) if cfun: corrs = reduce(combine(cfun(data, weights)), rfun=rfun) if not (cfun is None): return_list = False else: corrs = combine(smooth(data, kernel_fun=weights_function, kernel_params=weights_params)).tolist() if return_list and (not (type(corrs) == list)): return [corrs] elif (not return_list) and (type(corrs) == list) and (len(corrs) == 1): return corrs[0] else: return corrs